The Alberta Trappers’ Association Trapper Education Program provides the Standard Trapping course, to Youth AGE 14 - 17
This enables you to obtain your trapping licence.
The Standard Trapping course is your first step toward becoming a trapper. The course includes:
instruction on the safe use of traps and other equipment,
biology of furbearers,
animal management,
marketing and grading of furs,
skinning and fur handling, as well as
humane trapping techniques.
The Alberta Government refers to a Trapline as a Registered Fur Management Area (R.F.M.A)
There are two kinds of trapping licences in Alberta:
Registered Licence and
Resident Licence.
A Registered License allows a trapper the right to trap a portion of Alberta and with that privilege the trapper may have a cabin to help with trapping activities. This is most commonly called a “trapline”. A trapper does not own the land but has the right to trap the fur on that portion subject to a five-year permit with annual renewals. The trapper cannot sell the land on which they trap, selling a trapline refers to the assets within that trapline.
The Resident Licence allows a trapper to trap on private property with the owner’s permission. This simply requires the consent of the landowner through a properly filled out government form called a WA 19A, available for download here, or at a Fish and Wildlife district office. Your Resident Trapping Licence number must be legible on the form. Many trappers choose this method of trapping and – subject to seasons – resident trappers can harvest most furbearers in the province.
Both Registered and Resident trappers are subject to the rules, regulations and seasons. A guide to these is found in the Alberta Trapping Regulations, which are published yearly.
This does NOT include your lodging and meals - this is arranged and paid for by your own preference
There is a minimum of 10 youth required to hold a course