Alberta Trappers Magazine
Please send your contributions for the next Alberta Trappers Magazine to
Remember, this is YOUR MAGAZINE and its content is dependent upon your contributions
The Alberta Trappers’ Association publishes the Top Notch, glossy and professional Alberta Trapper Magazine on a quarterly basis. It is mailed to members informing them of current issues and concerns trappers face.
Trappers are encouraged to send stories, pictures and anecdotes about trapping experiences and life on a trapline.
The classified ads provide a service to members wishing to sell items that are of interest to other trappers.
Please send submissions or enquires to Rob Miskosky at
You may also opt for a magazine only subscription for $30 (inc GST) annually, for 4 issues or become a member of the Alberta Trappers' Association and receive the magazine which
is included as one of your benefits of Membership.