Compensation Program
The ATA administer the Alberta Trappers Compensation Program (ATCP) on behalf of all stakeholders within the program. The ATCP is designed to provide commercial trappers with a backstop to offset the economic impacts caused by industrial activities that are unresolved through industry and trapper consultation.
The ATCP is a program of the Government of Alberta’s Ministry of Environment and Parks (AEP) that provides a framework for compensating trappers for business losses incurred through industrial activity on their RFMAs when they are not able to reach a settlement with industry. Incidences of theft and vandalism to assets on RFMAs are also considered.
Partners in the program include the Alberta Trappers' Association (ATA), the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), Small Explorers and Producers Association of Canada (SEPAC), Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA), Alberta Forest Products Association (AFPA), and ATCO.
Funding for the ATCP is provided by Public Lands through levies on land dispositions, as well as from direct contributions from CAPP, SEPAC, CEPA, AFPA and ATCO.
The ATA provides administrative support to the program.
Information Sharing Between
Industry & Trappers
Contact your insurance agent and insure your equipment (i.e. generator, cabin and contents, etc). If possible, take all necessary action to prevent thefts. Common sense should prevail, and valuable equipment must be secured and marked.
Contact Alberta Public Lands Division to discuss a miscellaneous lease(s) for your cabin(s). It is also very important to ensure cabins are built in accordance with the government cabin policy.
Advise the Fish and Wildlife and Public Lands Divisions of all cabin locations, providing them with photographs of the cabin and your trapping equipment. Keep invoices, as proof of purchase is often required when theft takes place or vandalism problems are encountered.
Report at once any thefts or vandalism to the RCMP.
All claims must be prepared on the ATCP claim form and submitted to the Alberta Trappers’ Association office.
All companies planning activities that include resource extraction or exploration must notify the RFMA holder at least 10 days in advance of the work; much earlier notification is of benefit to all parties. 10 days’ notice does not, in many cases, provide trappers much time to adjust their operations. To prevent conflict, it’s recommended that industry field representatives personally contact trappers prior to work commencing.
When notice is received, trappers should provide any concerns in writing to the company, and keep a record of all correspondence, meetings and related phone calls. Industry should avoid disrupting trapping operations where possible, or negotiate compensation.
Companies are responsible for damage to trapper assets and temporary disruptions. Trappers must provide companies with invoices that reflect reasonable compensation for damage to assets and temporary disruptions that result in lost fur harvest and inconvenience.
Photographs are very important: Carry a camera with you and photograph trail and/or trap set damage, along with any other damage to your trapping area.
It’s very important for trappers to work closely with companies operating on their RFMA. This helps ensure that companies operate cooperatively; working together leads to better outcomes, reducing expensive conflicts and hard feelings.
When conflicts occur and can’t be resolved, fully completed claims are to be forwarded to the ATA office for review by the ATCB.
Where extensive forest harvesting and/or and oil and gas activity results in a long-term loss of income, claims will be considered by the ATCP. These claims are limited to a maximum of 5 years and will be subject to a very comprehensive review. Trappers are required to provide a great deal of information (i.e. maps, photographs, fur harvest records, etc.). Consult with your Fish and Wildlife Biologist, who must provide a letter of support on your behalf for a claim to be considered valid.

If you have any questions about this program or the claims process and need additional information,
please do not hesitate to contact the ATA office
or Ken Bailey, the Alberta Trappers’ Compensation Program Co-ordinator (780-990-4879).
Eligible Claims
Only Senior RFMA holders are eligible to make application to the program. Applicants must be active in their trapping efforts as determined by AEP.
What types of claims are eligible?
Temporary disruption as a result of industrial activity that prevents maintenance of traditional trapping effort and/or harvest.
Claims must be supported by documentation of failed efforts to resolve the dispute directly with industry.
Direct damage to trapping-related assets. Insurable items, including ATVs, snowmobiles and trailers are not eligible for compensation.
If damage is a result of industrial activity, claims must be supported by documentation of failed efforts to resolve the dispute directly with industry.
Theft or vandalism to trapping-related and non-insurable assets and improvements.
Claims must be accompanied by a police report.
Long-term loss of livelihood as a result of industrial activity. Long-term loss claims will be paid to a maximum of five years.
Claims must be supported by maps depicting the location and extent of disturbance within the RFMA and a letter from the regional F&W biologist declaring that there is no reasonable opportunity to maintain fur harvest levels or revenues by relocating to alternative areas of the RFMA or by trapping alternative species.
If a claim is approved by the ATCP Board, lost fur will be compensated at the average price of furs sold at auction in the previous year as published in the annual Alberta Guide to Trapping Regulations.
Forest Fire Cabin Fund - The Forest Fire Cabin Fund was established by the Alberta Trappers’ Association in 1997 to help defray losses incurred to trapper cabins by naturally-occuring wildfires. $5.00 from each RFMA licence is contributed to the fund annually (~$8,000.00 annually).
Requests for compensation must be made on the approved claim form and the proper documentation should be attached which may include:
Documentation of failed efforts to resolve the claim directly with industry
Photographs – especially for theft, vandalism and arson, trail disruptions, etc.
In the case of theft or vandalism, a police report along with a description of equipment stolen or damaged and it’s estimated value or original purchase receipts
In the case of claims for long-term loss of livelihood, maps and/or photos depicting the location and extent of impacts and a letter of support from the regional Fish & Wildlife Biologist
Historic fur harvest records