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Oil & Gas

Guiding Principles

As an Association, we agree with the following principles concerning oil and gas exploration and development:

  • That the oil and gas industry provides the citizens of Alberta with great wealth and an orderly approach to developing and using these resources will provide the greatest benefits to all Albertans.

  • That an orderly approach to developing these resources must be done in connection and co-operation with other resource harvesters that utilize the same land base.

  • That the manner of exploring and extracting these resources will impact trappers negatively, therefore, compensation for fur losses and operational costs are moral obligations upon companies.


To support the foregoing principles, we as an Association believe that:


  • In the spirit of partnership and mutual respect, that trappers must be consulted before any operations are proposed which affect trapline operations. This consultation should be in person where feasible and a minimum of 10-days advance notice should be the normal standard.

  • Fair and equitable treatment for trappers impacted by oil and gas operations must take place. Any petroleum development will have short-term and long-term impacts on habitat and wildlife. This recognized, every step should be taken to minimize damage and where necessary, to compensate the trapper for his or her loss. Any negotiation undertaken should emphasize honesty and mutual respect by all parties.

  • When operations come near an existing cabin that consideration must be given to moving the operations such a distance so as to not subject the cabin to unnecessary noise and traffic.

  • Safety to the trapper must be a major consideration in the event of gas well blowouts or other possible health hazards. An alert plan by the company would be prudent.

  • An existing seismic line or pipeline corridor should be used wherever possible, rather than running another line closely to the existing line. Additionally, roadways and electric power lines should be planned so as to reduce habitat disruptions.

  • Marking ribbons should be removed after the operation is complete. This item is not biodegradable and remains in the forest for years, is unsightly and brings adverse publicity to the oil industry.

  • Culverts or bridges are encouraged over stream crossings, as opposed to fill-in strategies presently used. In addition, a proactive approach to reduce beaver blockages must be jointly undertaken by the oil & gas industry in partnership with the trapper.

  • Any water hauling during freeze up must not be allowed from live beaver ponds during dry years if such hauling will jeopardize the health and welfare of the water dwellers.

Reviewed 2022 Director’s Meeting Alberta Trappers’ Association

Alberta Trappers Association

Contact Information

​Hwy 44 Sth Industrial Park, Lot 14

PO Box 6020

Westlock, AB  T7P 2P7

Phone: 780-349-6626​

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Hours of Operation​​​​

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

CLOSED all Stat Holidays


Summer Hours May 1 - Oct 8

Mon - Fri: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

CLOSED Oct 9​​​

Alberta Trappers Association

“Education in Trapping & Bushcraft is Integral to the future”

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